Crystaldiskinfo caution fix
Crystaldiskinfo caution fix

crystaldiskinfo caution fix

That may be the reason for it just took few seconds. Hi, Glad that i need not replace the disk. Okay, you want to know how to award best answer, etc. Of course to make full use of the USB3 connector you need a USB3 port in your PC, however, even without one of these it will still be faster though not to the same extent. In the future, if you buy another external hard drive, I would advise you to go for USB3 connections since these are much faster. Unfortunately, I think you have a USB2 connector and that is the limiting factor for any work on that hard drive. I think the speed of formatting is always going to be slow for you and you just have to be patient. The relationship between RAW values, current values and worst values is set by a formula by Seagate.

crystaldiskinfo caution fix

Your disk will fail if the current value falls to 36. When your hard drive left the factory it was set at 99 Worst value. At the moment that number of relocations has not triggered any number changes in the 99 current value. That in itself may or may not be a issue and I would want Seagate to reassure or swap the drive on that criteria.

crystaldiskinfo caution fix

And looking at the RAW values it has gone from 504 to 616 on a new drive. In your case the CrystalDiskInfo has bought to your attention the fact that the hard drive is having to relocate sectors. That is why your disk is passing the SMART test but only the CrystalDiskInfo is flagging up those warnings. I have tried CrystalDiskInfo which is what you first used and it does show CAUTIONS when any value it get is a little away from the normal and so it flags up more cautions than other programmes. The SMART attributes are set by the disk manufacture and the programmes that use them such Seatools, CrystalDiskInfo, etc, take the numbers from the hard disk and display them and they can add extra info.

Crystaldiskinfo caution fix