Star wars revisited watch online
Star wars revisited watch online

star wars revisited watch online

In fact, I’m only somewhat ashamed to admit that I cried in the theater when I (then a grown-ass adult) watched Han Solo die. Of course I grew up, but I never forgot these characters or their values. Luke and Leia and Obi-Wan and Yoda-all of these characters aided in honing my own moral compass throughout my formative years. That’s what Star Wars had always been to me-a movie that shaped my childhood, along with my understanding of good and evil.

star wars revisited watch online

Taking old wrapping paper tubes and playing lightsabers with my dad, dressing up as Luke Skywalker, desperately wanting the Millennium Falcon Lego set, watching the original VHS boxed trilogy and having to fast forward through Leonard Maltin’s boring interview with George Lucas every goddamn time. Some of my earliest memories about movies are of Star Wars.

Star wars revisited watch online